888 | RÜN

888 RÜN is the first in an elemental series of runes, sigils & glyphs celebrating the elements of nature. 888 Celebrates “The Sun” both as a celestial entity, a spiritual deity and as a source of life on Earth. Playing with symbolism and numerology, the RÜN project is an expanding set of symbols that can foster deeper resonance with our natural world, and our innate, sentimental and symbolic nature.

Below are 33 Hand drawn symbols while meditating and contemplating on The Sun, and all its varying meanings and interpretations.

In the RÜN series we will be exploring The Sun, The Moon, The Wind, The Water, The Earth, The Fire and The Spirit

the RÜN series are free to use for tattoos, however please consider supporting my work by donating below. For any other use cases please contact me via my email. visionarysea@gmail.com